More to life than work

“All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy.”
Do you find yourself working longer hours, trying to meet deadlines; playing catch up; always something pending; feeling frustrated; dreading Sunday night and Monday morning? Is there a lack of job satisfaction or do you experience physical discomfort when you think about work. Do you breathe a sigh of relief on Friday because the weekend is coming up?
Are you working to live or do you live to work?
Well, it’s time to stop and think.

Some people find their dream job while others go to work every day doing a job they hate because it’s a means to an end and they need to pay house hold bills and put food on their table. The same could be said about those who neglect family and friends when the job becomes their entire world.
Then there are others who do menial, low paid jobs other’s wouldn’t even consider doing but it gives them a sense of pride and they feel they are contributing to the economy.
Where do you fit in?

For what ever reason you are getting up every morning to go to work, don’t make it your life. There’s more to life than work. Giving thanks to the Most High God for waking you up every morning, having good family and friends, appreciating the beauty of a sun rise, a baby’s first smile, the joy of music, your favourite song on the radio, a special memory, a childhood toy or an unforgettable journey. Don’t just go to work but do something you really enjoy. Something you have a passion for. Don’t just keep saying I would like to do this or that? Just do it. Make a difference to your life. Make a change, find your passion. Enjoy the moment because you can never get it back.

We are all here for a purpose and to bring joy to others so live life to the fullest. Life is for the living. Work to live and not live to work.



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